
  • Nikon D70s Firmware
    카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 2. 22:22

    . 3 frames per second continuous shooting for up to 144 consecutive shots when using JPEG NORMAL - Large setting, and a SanDisk SDCFH (ultra II), SDCFX (Extreme/Extreme III) or Lexar Media 80X WA CompactFlash™ card.

    0.2 sec. Power-up and short shutter release time lag. Fast shutter speed with a range from 30 to 1/8,000 sec. For full creative control. Fast flash sync shutter speeds up to 1/500 sec.Type of Camera.Single-lens reflex digital camera.Effective Pixels.6.1 million.Image Sensor.Nikon DX format (23.7 x 15.6mm) RGB CCD sensor.Image Size (Pixels).3008 x 2000 L, 2240 x 1488 M, 1504 x 1000 S.Sensitivity.ISO 200 to 1600 in steps of 1/3 EV.File Format.NEF (12-bit compressed RAW), JPEG (Baseline-compliant).Storage Media.CompactFlash™ (CF) Card (Type I/II) and Microdrive™.Shooting Modes.1) Single frame shooting mode, 2) Continuous shooting mode: approx.

    Says:Available in the U.S. I don't know about other countries.The upgrade went smoothly.

    Nikon D70s Firmware

    Took about 5 minutes.The menus are a very professional looking grey/white/black/yellow color scheme now. Raw Shooter Essentials read the custom WB on a test shot - there doesn't appear to be any problem getting white balance info into 3rd party apps. I don't use the closest subject or dynamic area focus modes very much so I can't speak to improvements in that area.Happily, the camera now reports the correct number of remaining shots when on the RAW quality setting.

    That alone is worth the upgrade for me.4:42PM, 16 May 2005 PSTsays:Yes!! Is usefull update!ages agoabaft ducks deleted says:I'm going to wait until the end of the month for any possible fallout, but glad to hear it's rolling out smoothly!AA.ages agosays:Mine went smoothly. We'll see how it works in the field.ages agosays:thanks for update, fd. I, too, would love to have correct number of remaining shots display.ages agosays:Did anyone notice the autofocus beep is not as high pitched? Definitely not as annoying as before the firmware update!ages agosays:Looking forward to updating tonight; I turned off the autofocus beep in my current firmware because it was irritating, but I kinda miss having the audible confirmation.ages agosays:Definitely noticed and appreciated the AF beep change and the proper exposure count. I had gotten it from Nikon Asia since they posted the files up first, will have to check the firmware images and see if there's any difference between the two.Oh, and 'there doesn't appear to be any problem getting white balance info into 3rd party apps' - There never should be, unless you're shooting with the D2H/D2X.

    They use the WB obfuscation/encryption only in those models' NEFs, not as a new feature for all NEF implementations.ages agosays:Mine is installed and working fine.ages agosays:Installed, working fine. I suppose the autofocus beep is better, but just being different throws me off a bit. The new look for the menus is like having a new camera=0). Continuous autofocus with my sigma 300mm zoom seems improved.ages agosays:Hm, I'll have a chance to really test this out when I'm taking lots of photos in Bradford on Thursday. Is the focus beep really that different or am I missing something!ages agosays:done.

    Nikon d70s firmware version

    Thanks for the link!ages agosays:First impressions:1. User interface seems easier to read and better on the eyes2. Can disable image review (Could you do this before?)3. Grib display breaks the viewfinder into four columns and four rows, which should be useful for composing shots4.

    RAW exposure count is finally accurateages agosays:#2 you could already do through the menu. The grid sounds interesting, I didn't hear about that.ages agosays:I suspected so, but I'd never found the option before. =)ages agosays:Installed and working fine here. I like the new autofocus beep. Low enough now I might not have to kill it when I'm shooting quieter stuff.ages agosays:Grid option was there before in the display.

    I use it as a reminder to keep the camera level.ages agopast steam deleted says:That went smoothly - thanks for the heads up!ages agosays:I'm using microdrive and the instruction says you should not use microdrive for update. What should I do?

    Thanks.ages agosays:xymox,tkae the camera to any authorized Nikon dealer. They should be able to do it on the spot, generally for free.ages agosays:Hmm im on 1.01 just now and cant seem to upgrade the firmware. Is it incremental do i need to goto say 1.3 first? Also I have a european camera but this is from the american site.

    Would regional differences have an effect.How did people format the CF? Via the menu or the 2 button press?ages agosays:G-Me:' I have a european camera but this is from the american site. Would regional differences have an effect.' I wondered about this, but I got the US firmware update and installed it on my UK D70 anyway. It worked just fine.I formatted the card from the menu.Are you following the instructions carefully?

    One thing in the instructions that could easily be missed is that there are several times where you're asked to switch the camera off and back on again.ages agosays:Gary - I downloaded the European firmware update also and the bin files are exactly the same size so i presume its the same file also and applies to all cameras worldwide.I have tried to format from the menu and both button presses. When I transfer the bin file across onto the cf ( transferred via usb cable attached to camera) I place it in the root.

    I noticed even after a format there was a DCIM folder in there for the pics to go.When I then power the camera up again and gointo menu / firmware it doesnt give me the option to update firmware. Im presuming this is because it cant see the firmware file.So I have either formatted wrong - which i dont think I have or I have done something else wrong.Dont suppose there is a limit on the cf card size? Im using a 4 gb hitachi cardages agosays:sorry. Im running a microdrive not a cf card sorry. Hence why i cant updtae firmware.As you were.ages agosays:G-Me! The instructions are rather specific about it not working with the microdrive.i did the firmaware update myself today, it went without any problems, however one must follow the instructions exactly.ages agosays:all clear here as wellages agosays:worked fine for me with lexar 80x card on a 1.03 cameraare these lcd colors more visible in sunlight?ages agosays:Just updated the firmware and everything worked out ok.ages agosays:Fine for me too. Good on Nikon for bringing this out and supporting the camera in this way.ages agoabaft ducks deleted says:I finally updated - no problems all around.

    The only major change I've noticed has been the RAW count and the menu colours.AA.ages agosays:I updated mine right when it came out and I've been very happy with it.ages agosays:My upgrade went smoothly. The RAW counter is a bit overoptimistic now (I usually get 80 on 512MB and 160 on 1.024MB and not 88 and 176)BUTI have seen that the battery-status seems to be more accurate. I could shoot more than 200 RAWs yesterday starting with '1/2-full battery'.Before the upgrade '1/2-full battery' would mean: 'Another 30 seconds until blackout'PS: The AF-Speed is still poor. I look forward to my second, faster body by the end of the year. Someone told me AF-speed is better with silent-wave-lenses. A pity, Nikon does not make primes with silent-waves except for huge tele-lenses.I would love anAFS-Nikkor f=1,2/55mmfor Portraits and would be ready to pay 500 Euros for itages agosays:I updated about a week ago. Battery indicator more accurate RAW counter more accurate.

    Some people say focus is faster in continuous. I'm not sure, can't tell.ages agoabsurd spark deleted says:No problems with the upgrade here.ages agosays:Update done.Mission accomplished.New graphics look more professional.Now I go out to try if everything works well.ages agosays:Done it yesterday simple enough, like the new menu look and the quieter BEEP, Now to go out and see if there's much different in the pictures.ages agosays:I the the upload this evening without a hitch - took about 10 minutes start to finish - no glitches. The color is better but that is a pretty minor issue - I can now shoot 88 raw images on my 512 cards - before the counter read 44 max and the card read full when all 44 were shot - that makes me a happy guy to be able to take more raw shots as I am now sold on them (raw) - be brave and upgade it's worth the 10 minutes.

    Kages agosays:I just got myself a D70s.just wondering if the updatate also supports the D70s?Thanks.this might be a silly question.ages agosays:Not really I guess. The firmware was meant to ugrade the D70 with some of the D70s' specs.ages agosays:If I'm trying to upgrade the firmware, and it still says in the setup menu under firmware Versions A1.01, and 1.02, does this mean I haven't yet downloaded the damn thing? I can't figure it out. I download the software, drag it into my d70 folder, disconnect the camera, go to the setup menu and then I still see the stupid 1.01 and 1.02.What could I be doing wrong? Am I really so dense that I'm the only one that can't do this? I'm on a mac.ages agosays:Not sure what's taking place for you dooda, but a look at nikonusa.com might be the place to start.Also folks, sounds like most had positive things about the upgrade. Am curious, anything on the negative side?ages agosays:Yeah, I went there to get the firmware.

    Like I said, I dragged it to the D70 folder in the bar, but can't seem to get the D70 to suck it in.ages agosays:@dooda: It does not go in a folder it goes in the root directory of the card:'ImportantBe sure to copy the firmware to the root directory of the memory card. The camera will not recognize the new firmware if it is placed in a folder under the root directory.' This is direct from Nikonusa.comages agosays:I upgrade yesterday and all went fine. I do seem to remember reading somewhere (Nikon website maybe????) that you first need to upgrade to 1.03 for either the A or B, whatever was the last update before 2.00) before you can go to 2.00.

    I don't have mny nikon logion at password here at work so I can't check right now, I'll do that when I get home. Also, there was something that you cannot upgrade the A and B parts at the same time, did you maybe try to do that?peterages agosays:Upgrading to version 1.03 is not necessary at least not from anything said on the Nikonusa site. You do need to load part A first upgrade that and then do part B.Heres the full deal:ages agosays:Thanks Dulcelife, that was the problem, I had no idea what they were talking about when they said Root directory, and the file went staight into the folder. Then I tried it again but forgot to format it.

    It's all taken care of now. Thanks.ages agosays:Cool!ages agosays:The comments from others allayed my fears about doing this firmware update and it went flawlessly - many thanks for posting the link.If you're hesistant to do this, don't be - if you follow the instructions at the Nikon site, it's truly a simple procedure.ages agosays:Doode and Sam mentioned the grid in the viewfinder. I'm using it always, but seems very strange that the grid is not a 3 column by 3 row grid, since that is the 'rule of thirds' for composing pictures.Anyone knows why is that? A 3x3 would be MUCH helpful.ages agodeafening toad deleted says:wow i need to update still running the 1.01ages agosays:Are you talking about the D70 upgrade or the D70s?

    I dont see any firmware upgrade available for the D70s on the nikon site?ages agoempty shade deleted says:HI the D70 upgrade to d70s firmware also needed if using 18-200 vr on D70ages agosays:You cannot use the D70 firmware on D70s.at least mine doesnt allow.ages agoempty shade deleted says:no sorry i meant it upgrades the D70 to d70s firmwareages agosays:just realized that this is a very old thread.i am not sure why this got up all the way up to the top now.djloche resurrected it.Moderator = pl. Close comments on this thread.ages agosays:Ya'll just made me come to this thread thinking there was a new firmware update for my D70s. You should be flogged.ages agosays:aarrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhh-I agree with resmith85-rushed to this thread, only to find version 2 was released 2 years ago and already have it.oh well, go excited for a little while at least.lolages agodependent bit deleted says::( ya i got all excited too until i saw i was running the version in question.ages agodeafening toad deleted says:sorry:/ uhm. I realized i have a d70s too.

    Nikon D70s Firmware Upgrade

    So there isn't an upgrade.ages agosays:Ha ha, just got to then to find the same, what a bunch of madness:)ages agosays:Apparently, there is a new firmware for the D70s though. I sent my camera in, due to a malfunctioning flash, in January and party of the repair list included a firmware update.That's pretty much all the detail I was given in that though.ages agosays:Nikon Tech Support Shows NO Firmware Updates for the D70s.Scroll Down.Originally posted ages ago.Derek Jackson edited this topic ages ago.

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